Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Taking a break from MS.

Greetings S1D-ians! take a break from your MS, at least 5 minutes.

Give you brain a rest, have some hot milo. wait, scratch that, coffee.

Someone has to come up with a better name than S1D-ians.

Here are some interesting things that you need to ponder on:

  • We are all sick of MS. Grrrr, the headaches.

  • You can't cry in space!!

  • Olympics are on!! USA leading with China tailgating behind.

  • The weather is nuts. Rainy one day and sunny the next.

  • Cats do not have 9 lives.

  • If you sit in the middle in LH1, remember your jacket!

  • NEVER come late to Ms Joanna's class. Oh yea, and try not to fall asleep. LOL!

  • The left leg of a chicken is more tender than the right.

  • TRIALS IS COMING TO GET ALL OF US. *scary background music*

  • Why divers shower after every dive? This is because they wanna keep their muscles warm.

  • Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs.

  • Did you know? I'm actually wasting your time?


Interesting huh?

Get back to work people!

Chop chop!!



Rowie said...

can i ask, who are u? xD i cant seem to figure out who u are~~ haha!

Ta-seen said...

its powei............rowie......

poe said...

hmm ?
i didnt make any posts yet :(

poe said...

haha .. thx 4 ur xtra info =/
nt wasting any of my time..
coz we finished ms =D so free now ..

and ya, wat shuld we call ourself ?

and u!! i noe u =/ muahhahaha

Anonymous said...

I presume its none other than Fui Yin.. am i right?? hehehe...

poe said...

wrong =/

Anonymous said...

Debs!! Am i right??

Ta-seen said...

ok its Fui Yin or Victorie........

Rowie said...

sounds like Bryon.. and a mixture of Fui Yin too..
but its neither of them! =D identify yourself! =P