Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Friday, September 5, 2008


Just imagine ur given an OREO to eat! haha..^^
n pretend that ur eatin one now...
There's one for everyone..hehe..


i know..i know..now i made u guys hungry edi rite?hehe...so go grab some food to eat BUT make sure u'll return to ur desk n STUDY..XD


Rowie said...

*gasps!* victoriaaa.... HOW COULD U?!?!?! those oreos look sooooooo gooood...... *mouth waters*

Rowie said...

dipped with milk! ooohhh.... *squeal* ehh.. not twist, dip and lick? lol then crunch! nyum. chew chew chew. swallow!

anonymous said...

i cant believe you post about yourself vic =p hehehe

Anonymous said...

haha..actually, i took d pic from d net.."ngeh"...haha..
jus suddenly feel like posting oreo pic...haha..^^

Anonymous said...

and yes rowie, i forgot d sequence =.="....long time din watch d advertisement edi..haha..

poe said...

oreo ...