Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

it's the holidays! yea!!

Christmas in IS!! ^^  

We acted formally =p hehe

This is actually how we are suppose to be like everyday xD

Christmas Cheers! ^^

*Look at Debs!! =p wagagaga

The crazy ppl in review camp =p hehe... *as you can see, i'm not crazy =p hehehe*

Pay attention to Chong Jenq's expression xD *pls don tell him... ^^" heheh*

Finally.... it's ta holidays! hehe... i don't know about you but i really really need this holiday before starting a whole new year... *nods* yes, Year 2009 is just around the corner ^^" appreciate every moment of year 2008 cause it only comes once... Have fun! enjoy the times! =) Merry Christmas and happy holidays!! ^^


Ta-seen said...

yea........i m the first one who is writing smething...cool pic love the party...though food was preety nice ......hihi..

Steph.. ^^ said...

Fun la..