Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year My Frens !!

Hi everyone!!
feel like typing something here, cause don't have my own blog x)
how's d 1st day back to school in '09
for me ah, time flies very fast hor, one year ady in IS
happy to be part of S1D '08! we had our 1st movie day watching The Spiderwick Chronicles, recycling campaign ... and etc etc (too much)

S1D split into S2B and C... but remember we still have S1D '08!!! =D
and be glad that there's no S2D, so ... we can call ourselves S2D!!! unofficially xP
Year '09 will be a very busy year right.. tougher A2 exam (sigh like bak to secondary nid to write essays again), SC with lots of activities.. (obstacle thing this sat ?!, orientation night, leadership camp and etc etc.) but our S2D SCs sure can handle bah since they're so pro ^^" and of cuz EB also gonna busy till d end of Swearing In Day.
Yabah why this collage sooooo manies activitiiess, i miss d movie day, joggin(maybe?), yumcha with u ppl leh!!

(top 2 paragraph u can skip, dun skip this coming one)

SO... hehehe
wanna have some activies?
Christy suggest Paintball.. how bout during CNY ? xD everyone will be free that time right?
RM60 for 200 bullets... Dun hav to worry, u got AngPau tat time and i think RM60 not a big prob.
ahaha... and how bout movie days leh..
there're some great movies this year, sure hav to enjoy great movies with great frens rite..
JOM JOM JOM...! xD ahahah

some movies i think it's good in 09:

  • Red Cliff II ( showing soon)
    (if you misssed red cliff I, dun bother this)

  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (12 February 2009)

  • X-Men Origins - Wolverine ( May 2009)

  • Transformer 2 - Revenge of the Fallen ( 26 June 2009, oppps after graduaction)

  • Fast and Furious 4 ( June 2009 )

  • New Moon ( 20 Nov 2009)
    ngam for d twilight's fans.... ahahaha. but it's still far xD

I think movies above will be great lah... den can watch together mahhh xD

and here to wish everyone Happy New Year!
and Happy Chinese New Year!!
All the best in studies, and also in sports meet..
Green House RoXxs ! =)
and for ppl having Bio... ahaha addd oilsss!!

Oh one more thing, for those ppl are very bored nothing to do.
There's a game to share with you all =D

Click Me

it's fun and get addicted easily ! xD

5 Jan 09


victoria said...

poe wei!! haha..yup yup..finally wrote a post.heh.


Happy New Year to all S1Ds!

poe said...

lol... maybe tat time all fly d xD

Rowie said...

nuu.... that time i will be so sad. every1 flying off.

poe said...

maybe u're d 1st to fly x)

anonymous said...

i wan to watch 17 again!! =p hehe