Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Friday, August 29, 2008

A, B, AB or O ?

Hey everyone Happy Holiday!!

so little ppl around this few days~ wat happen ahh

dun study tooo hard ... it's holiday =)

altot exam is coming but dun treat urself so badly during holidays mahh

here's something wanna share with all of u ^^

ahahahaha... which type are u ?


Anonymous said...

poe wei!! ur poe wei rite?haha...
y u type so fast? next time check befor posting..haha..=)
anywayz, move d chatbox up eh...so dun need to scroll down.it'll be easier tat way..hehe =P

poe said...

wat type so fas ...
w8 d pic is 2 slow
editing =/

Ta-seen said...


poe said...

i dun get it.. ta seen

Anonymous said...

he's sayin tat ur crazy! haha..is jus tat he used d wonrg "pin yin"..haha...

Anonymous said...

*wrong XD

Ta-seen said...

sorry lazy guy.......thn x victo........

Anonymous said...

hehe...nice post poe wei... intersting to find out...

anonymous said...

lol... i saw this in my email be4! haha =p