Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random Post. LOL.

Hey S1D-ans...
Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOCELYN SHEN!!! N also to all our August babies.
I just dropped by to wish everyone good luck in your MS exam dis Friday!!
Study hard at this moment...
Good luck in reading your MS textbook! Dun fall asleep like me =p. Hehe.
*off to rest then study* hehe...
Stay happy and stay healthy!! (ooo...it rhymes. lol.)


poe said...

yea add oil everyone =D
lol~~ dun meeet again Me Lai next semester =/

poe said...

lol jz notice ..

Good luck in reading your MS textbook! Dun fall asleep like me =p. Hehe.

hmmm ........ ? xD

Ta-seen said...

MS ha ha ha ha.....
best of luck u guyess......

Anonymous said...

oi! poe wei ah...dun u dare say anything!! Haha...it's over!! =p