Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome ^^

At 6:02 am....this blog is officially launched!!! yay! woohoo!! XD

Venue: Victoria's house =)
Witnesses: Frankie junior, PoeWei, Rowie, Oreo.....hehe..
Sleeping beauty and prince: Fui Yin, Kacang, Insignificant guy ("Kevin"), Foreign guy...XD

kay, tats all.....=)

P/S To all comrads, to join in this blog, do create a g-mail account and leave a comment with your created g-mail account...you can write posts in this blog =)


Nivek C. said...

It is intereting to have such an 'insane' class... Scounting and 'stealing' around k.k. for the goods. Haha...

Quote: Sanity is for the weak

poe said...

nice 1 ^^"

Anonymous said...

hahah!!! "stealing"...lol!!
Im glad its all over n this blog is done while i was asleep!lol! =)

poe said...

lol.. yea kacang u babi ^^"
tired -.-

Nivek C. said...

Interesting to see so little ppl, where is the rest?

victoria said...

"insane"?!nah...maybe a lil..haha!
anywayz,hope this blogging thing wil go on..haha..GO S1D!! XD

Anonymous said...

lol!! Never in my life will i be able to do that again, never will i find crazy enough people to do that again. hahaha! we have one crazy group. and boy am i happy i'm in it! lol!
little ppl now cos not properly spread around yet, i guess.. let's see after monday. =)

Rowie said...

lol finally decided on a name. XD

HI EVERYONE!! *grins from ear to ear* S1D has a blog!!

how are we gonna decide on what to post here?

my first suggestion!:
introduction of S1D and what its about! =)hehe~

Ta-seen said...

what the hell u guyess talking about...................
OFFICIALY S1D hv sunjing bing...