Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy B'day Poe Wei

Happy Birthday Poe Wei!
Here are some pictures of your "legal day".... -a special yet messy day- .. ^^

Happy Birthday !

Wow.. nice birthday greeting..

Yes, Rowie got it too..
Desmond looks guilty...

Time to wash up...

dun blow the candle..
Aiks.. too late.. XD

*why do they look surprised? ^^" *

After the birthday surprise...
*fuiyin didn't see it coming*

Happy Birthday Poe Wei.. ^^

All the best in everything you do..
May your dreams come true..
Good Luck in AS level..


victoria said...

pictures!! ^^

Rowie said...

wheee~ that was fun! =)
Happy turning 18, Poe Wei!!! =)

anonymous said...

*nods* i really didnt see it coming... @@
to christy and Jo: i will remember that moment =p muahahaha... beware xD haha!!

poe said...

nice one..
yabah lik tat only fair..
coz i m d only 1 most cham... x_x

anonymous said...

who says you're ta only one oo... @@ at least yours was predicted a bit o =p haha..

poe said...

lol .... i thought was water at 1st... nv think of cream =.="
thx 2 onion king's idea used shaving cream... lol..
or else sure smell like cake and oily for d whole day..

Steph.. ^^ said...

Aiks.. Who's idea was it to cream him up?? Cz that's what we do here.. Well, better yet, with the whole cake. *Sob*