Full Speed Ahead, S1D minions!!

~ It's 2009 and we're not gonna move backwards in time. Get studying and not to mention, get some ideas cracking for after A-Levels activities ^^

Working Daze

Monday, October 13, 2008

PW's b'day videos


anonymous said...

every1 looks creamy xD hahahah...

Rowie said...

just wat i needed.. to laugh off all the stress! =D
thanks, Rachel for posting all these up! =)

On10nHe@D said...

Hahahaha!!!!! Woohoo!!! watched it over and over again...xD Cool videos! (shaving) cream ambush successful! Muahaha...

poe said...

ahahaha... stupid

victoria said...

i cant see d videos!! boohoo..=( i wan to see! how come i cnt see de?haha...

anonymous said...

lol... vic, jus click it... er... you're using internet explorer?? it may be the software you're using~ may be la.. heheh ^^"

victoria said...

haha! i can watch d video!hehe..thanks fui yin for tellin! lol..i used Mozilla instead..haha...funny!...XD

poe said...

funnnnnnnnnnnny... shuld hav taken d moment we group pic den christy n jo suprise fuiyin... MUA ahaha ahaha

Anonymous said...

Ahaha~!!I love the videos too!!!

anonymous said...

lol!!! actually i oso wanted to watch how christy and jo "surprised" me xD haha... so unexpected...hmm... wonder if got pics of it ^^"
to vic: welcome ^^" heheh

Ta-seen said...

nice video i already download it....umm......ha ha I thought winter come so fast....snow...

poe said...

yesshhhh winter...
the cream war will begin.. when d winter comes... X'mas dinner =/
Cream War II - Revenge of LazyGuy

* spoiler *
* Director decided to use butter cream instead of shaving cream

* No. of victims will increase...

and more ....

mua-haha-haha... ss d

anonymous said...

...er.... you tell every1 your plan of revenge 0.o
later all "gap mai" to counter your revenge then you'l b very cham lo =p wagagaga

victoria said...

haha! fui yin! agree wif u..poe wei.poe wei..haha..=P

rckyee said...

Oops.. no pics or vids of fuiyin getting creamed... ><"...
It would be fun to watch though..
nvm.. we still have Cream War II..
be ready.. XD

anonymous said...

Oo!! when?? i wan to be commander!! hahaha xD

Rowie said...

omg. seriously? butter war!! XD i pity whosever's hse we'll be using that time for the dinner.. kaka! and i agree with fui yin.. haha.. poe wei, poe wei... =P

poe said...

I'll attend with my full plate armor... wagagagaga... gud luck everyone tml!